Like Marta, I don't have a whole lot to talk about on my blog right now so I decided to join the fun and break out some old pictures. I will be looking for my childhood pictures but it's 10:30 at night so not today. However, I did have a couple albums in my office. I went through one. But first I wanted to show you this cute sign Brigham had on his bedroom door. He is obviously telling Laci to stay out. I suppose only a mother would see the artistic talent in a keep out sign. But it really is cute!
Okay, so here's a picture from the first dance I went to with Nephi at Ricks. This was my first year at Ricks probably only a month and a half into the school year if that. I was already completely in love with him at this point. Of course he was not in love with me at that point... I doubled with my roommate Chanda. We had fun. I mean I literally did not want the night to end. I know it wasn't actually love since I didn't know him that long yet, but seriously, on my end at least there was a magnetism towards him that was crazy. I think Heavenly Father probably knew that I needed to be with him. Heavy...Anyhow, to lighten it up a bit....we saw Chanda and her date making out that night. We found it very funny because I didn't know my roommate was such a player! She would come across as so molly mormon. I would later learn that he was also a "mack daddy" as we used to say! ha ha! I was still at least a month or two away from a kiss and there's Chanda making out in the ally with her date she barely knew! ha...those were the good old days.....
It looks like you guys were having tons of fun, too bad time can't stand still and life can always be that way!! I really like Nephi's hair long, and chanda's date is Hot! I totally would have made out with him too! Just kidding, Your date is WAY better looking!!:)
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