Thursday, October 16, 2008


Can you believe it? We actaully sold our house? WooHoo! We have been going back and forth with a lowball offer we recieved 2 nights ago. We finally walked away from the negotiations and the buyer came back with an offer that we could live with. This housing market has definately put us through the wringer but now we're finally in the drivers seat for a change and get to be in the BUYERS position. Our buyer wants to close by Oct 31st. That's in two weeks! Whaat? We've got a lot to make happen quickly. We're going down to Utah tomorrow to find a house. I've been home searching online for 3 1/2 months so I've got my list narrowed down to a select few. We'll see what happens. Okay, got to go.....


Olinselot said...

That's great news! I'm so glad you didn't have to live here while Nephi was down working. Congrats that is amazing, and what a blessing. Good luck in your house searching.

Carlene said...

Congrats! That's good news.
Happy house hunting!

elesa said...

Wow, I didn't think it was Possible to sell your house these days! Congratulations!

Nielsen's said...

Hip-Hip-Hooray!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Keep me updated!